

Among all the fruits, my most favourite is a grapefruit.

When I peel it, I can enjoy its excellent fragrance that clears my mind.

Its sourness refreshes me. Its sweetness gives me energy. And its bitterness clears up my ever-dizzy. I love its zest that straightens me up.

But because of this zest, I could not eat a grapefruit for many years until recently. I used to have a very serious disease and my body simply could not accept any zesty food.

So what I could do was just to scratch the grapefruit peel, enjoy the smell for a while and then give it to someone else.

Now I can eat a grapefruit without worrying any horrible pain. And this big zesty fruit always reminds me how precious the health is...

Although loss of privilege would not hurt me a lot, loss of simple things that has been taken granted does. Being able to eat a grapefruit was definitely one of these things for me.

And eating a grapefruit always reminds me of the avatar of my moon goddess... Her pure and smiling eyes helped me a lot heal the horrible long-time disease.

Thank you, my sweet goddess!

(photo by Peter Yokoyama)

1 件のコメント:

QUASAR9 さんのコメント...

Yep, the simple things in life, the simple pleasures in life, even the free things in life, can often become those things most missed

Great photo Pete.