
Mysterious Encounters

I am now reading C.G. Jung's Answer to Job. I read its excerpts a few years ago and felt very much perplexed so the book had always been on my mind these years...

An encounter to a book is often mysterious. I happen to find a right book at the right time. Recently, I happened to pick up the complete volumes of History of Greek Philosophy from Beijing's People's University in the garbage which I was in charge of cleaning. Then I found in another pile of garbage the Chinese translation of Catholic Bible a few days later. But so what?

Actually, I have been studying about Gnostics, the ancient mystical heretic Christians these days and very much interested in the lost goddess named Sophia, who had a very important role in Gnosticism. In order to know Sophia better, the knowledge of Greek philosophy (which I could only studied in dreams or completely distracted by a girl in a cheerleader uniform always sitting in front of me at a university lecture hall) is vital and she is manifested in Apocryphal books of wisdom, which are absent from the Protestant Bible, the Bible readily available at an ordinary bookstore. So two persons threw away right books for me at the right time. Very interesting...

And I am delighted to see Sophia mentioned in Jung's Answer to Job. And now I now know why I happened to find this book at a shelf of a bookstore which I rarely visit. Now I read this again because I am ready now. If I had no knowledge on Gnosticism, I would end up perplexed again but now I see an ancient mystery reveal itself to me because I have at least some idea about the lost sect. So again, I've met the right book at a right time.

Considering these things, I simply cannot help myself from feeling there certainly is the guidance that is given by Sophia, who manifests herself with a mischievous character quite much like Midori in Murakami's Norwegian Wood or Sailor Mercury.... (blush)

1 件のコメント:

Ana-chan さんのコメント...

ohh murakami.....!!! and yumms Jung... for me books are like food. and sometimes I am starving. have not had a decent book in the last months. Am struggling with one of Maya Angelou's books presently...