
Inter-esse, Inter-be, Interest

The origin of interest: Latin inter-esse 'to be in or among.'

If you are suffering because you cannot
Get involved in what's important to you,
Put it among what you are interested in.
Everything in the world is somehow connected
So you'll find something related to what you like.

If you feel you cannot get involved in
Something very important to you,
Find a connection between you and it.
You'll soon find more and more connections
And find yourself living in a web of interest.

Everything has something to do with you.
Live the life of Interbeing!

3 件のコメント:

Ana-chan さんのコメント...

You see.. I told you I liked you blog!
This new post is fab! Who is the writing by? It makes too much sense to make sense at all. Ever felt like this when reading something.. I just did!

Peter Yokoyama さんのコメント...

Thank you! If it was not written by me, then it was written by Sailor Mercury in me... I have to admit that it has influence by Ven. Thich Nhat Hanh, a Vietnamese Zen monk and Erich Fromm, a Marxist sociopsychologist. Actually I wrote this in a hypnotic fashion to help a friend of mine.

Ana-chan さんのコメント...

It's a very nice way to help a friend. And you defintely have some good "inspirations" impressive: Fromm and a monk
:) (a strange fact: the word "fromm" in German means pious - just like a monk)