
Shaking Off Burdens of Goodies

Breaking up with a girlfriend
Whose look made many men look back.

Walking out from a Forbes 500 company and
Starting to pick up garbage for sale.

Throwing away a pair of designer suits
And cladding like Shaggy of Scooby-Doo.

Asking for a salary cut and
Moving into a working-class neighbourhood.

Many were surprised by my repeated downgrades.
But all these have actually upgraded my life.

These goodies might've made me look happy
But they were only burdens to me.
They dragged me with the demands to be
Someone who wasn't me at all.

Shaking off all these burdens of goodies
My heart really lightened up.

I wish I could lighten up my body
Just like Shaggy
Who can stay slim despite his big appetite!
(Well, he runs a lot...)

Shaggy hanging onto Scooby's tail. The girl in front of the van is Velma. (Well, non-US visitors need some explanations...)


Actually, I think Velma is quite cute... I like her more than Daphne.

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4 件のコメント:

Ana-chan さんのコメント...

Now that u speak about liking of cartoon characters... i had a major crush on Jessie Blue from the Saber Riders toons...

Shining Love Pig さんのコメント...

I agree with you about Velma by the way...

JOEPSC さんのコメント...

It's important to search within ourselves and find out who we really are, and live accordingly. You're right...if we live as someone we're not, or live to match up with people around us, we impose a burden upon ourselves unnecessarily...adding on misery.

Peter Yokoyama さんのコメント...

Ana: Thanks for sharing what you like!

Shining: I am glad to know someone who shares my feeling!

Joe: Thanks for your comment. Knowing and give affirmation to oneself is the goal of many spiritual path... Through this, we can be free from our Egos so that we can be one with his brothers and sisters...