
Just Like a Can of Red Bull...

Is this an ad or a parody? The dead guy looks like a Swede. Did anyone die in Sweden after drinking the energy drink? Do the two Finnish words "antaa siiivet" mean "gives you wings"?

Close your eyes and smile.
It infuses a small heaven to your soul,
Permeating freshness through your body
Just like a summer shower over cracked soil.

It softens your heart
So that you can be more in touch
With your true Self.

It gives a wing to your soul
So that you can be aware
That you're already in the Heaven.

Close your eyes and smile.
It gives you a pair of wings.
It may work extremely well
When you want a can of Red Bull...

2 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

Oh yes! It is how we interpret a picture. And you, Peter have given it the only true meaning. Thanks!

JOEPSC さんのコメント...

Inspiring poem...I love the part about the summer shower that gives the dry soil new life...a new hope!