
My Secret Revealed to the Whole World!!

Well, I tell the whole world my rather embarassing long-time secret tonight.

Because of this problem, I love working at home.

Am I addicted to the Net porn? Maybe... But I can spend a week without logging onto the Net. I proved it when I spent a week
without a computer in a small village in northeastern Thailand. So, inaccessibility to naked girls on the Net is not the reason why I don't like to work at an office.

The true reason is...

that I fart a lot.

I don't know why but
I fart once every few minutes. If I were accepted by a Lakota Indian tribe as an honorary tribesman, the chief would give me an Indian name "Fart Alot" or "Skunk." It should be an after-effect of a fistulae-in-ano surgery three years ago because I had not had this problem until my mid-30s…

But now I wonder if it has any psychological cause. In the Chinese language, they call ranting 出氣 (chūqì, let off the air). Well, it is the same as “letting off the steam.” From the standpoint of Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), my excessive farting may have something to do with anger...

Am I angry at something? I am not at the conscious level. But how about the unconscious plane? Maybe.

I am often very tired and feeling as if I were carrying a heavy burden… I know I have something that I can let go… Then farting could be the reminder from my unconscious mind that I am angry with something. Well, I should ask my Sailor Mercury (my anima, the representation of my unconscious mind) tonight in the dream…

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