
We At Least Share This Same Sky

If you cannot be with the one you love
Treat anyone as if you were
With the very one you love.

It's not easy in the beginning
But it'll soon be so easy
Because you'll soon find
The beloved one is with you always
Through many many different faces.

And by doing this
You'll soon feel the Holy Spirit
In everyone on this earth.

Anyway, I miss you
But I feel happy when I feel
That we at least share this
same blue sky.

3 件のコメント:

JOEPSC さんのコメント...

Hi, Pete,

How are things? This is Joe from Singapore again.

We are indeed under the one same sky. Shut our eyes and we can see we are just close by, bypassing all physical distances and barriers.

The Holy Spirit dwells in each one of us, in the deepest part of our soul which gives us our physical body and our breath of life. And only through this Spirit, we can communicate with God in meditation.

Silmilarly, only by the light of faith and by meditation on the word of God can one always and everywhere recognize God in Whom "we live, and move, and have our being" ( Acts 17:28), seek His will in every event, see Christ in everyone whether he be a relative or a stranger, and make correct judgments about the true meaning and value of temporal things both in themselves and in their relation to man's final goal.

匿名 さんのコメント...

This is beautifully put, Peter! Thank you again for sharing your wonderful talent in this way.
Love, Veronika

匿名 さんのコメント...

Peter, you always say and write insightful things which warm others' hearts. Thank you very very much.I will treat everyone as if they were the one I love from now on. Thank you, Peter!