
Good Night!

Flow of energy is really a curious thing. It is very honest. When it is really needed, it starts flowing.

So even when I am very tired after hours of nerve-bending writing or translation, I feel energy comes from somewhere when it's time to go out for garbage collection. It's really miraculous.

Whenever I feel that I have to make more efforts and tough, I am usually pushing things in a wrong way or too fast. Perhaps, energy wants to behave in a better way. And whenever I feel that I can barely move because of my obsession to a problem, I sense the stagnation of energy inside of me. So what I can do is to jump-start energy by doing someting else.

Anyway, when it is difficult to continue an action or a state, I guess energy is asking me to follow it wants to flow. So when I feel tough, I guess it is the time to step back and ask the energy where she wants to take me...

I cannot write well tonight... My energy wants a good rest, I guess. So good night!

1 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

Dear Peter,
Yes, go with the loving flow of the divine energy! Here is a quote from "Science & Health:"

"Let us feel the divine energy of Spirit, bringing us into newness of life..."
