
V Narod 2006*

Plenty of room for dreams and for life
The coming years are promising us.
- The National Anthem of Russian Federation

Don't wail for disappearance of frontier!
Don't envy your ancestors for their uncharted territories!
Just like young men were urged to go West,
Young men and women of today, go into people!

We still have an enormous frontier!
We still have in many cities the untapped territories!
Just like young men were urged to go West,
Be disciples of conscience and go into people!

Don't wail for the imperfection of the world!
Don't listen to doomsayers who actually know nothing!
As long as this world is not perfect,
Young men and women have a huge frontier!

Be disciples of love and go into people!
Don't be discouraged by ugliness before your eyes now!
As long as this world is not beautiful,
There'll be plenty of room for dreams and for life!

We still have an enormous frontier
Because human conscience is still
Far from fully tapped!

*V Narod: "Into the people" in Russian. It was a slogan for Narodniks, the Russian revolutionaries of the late 19th century, who attempted to help the badly exploited peasants in the Tsarist Russia. If you want to know more, visit: http://www.reference.com/browse/wiki/Narodnik.

Today's rubbish, which I wrote, was inspired by the Russian National Anthem. It is so moving that I often cry while I listen to this song. You can listen to a few pop versions of the song by Russian singers at
http://www.hymn.ru/index-en.html along with formal versions.

I particularly like
Nikolai Noskov's (a bit rocky) and Anita Tsoi's (quite much like Korean Pop).

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