
The Small Sounds in "Sound of Colours" 地下鐵

I happened to watch tonight a Hong Kong romantic movie Sound of Colours (Dei Ha Tit in Cantonese, Di Xia Tie in Mandarin) starring Tony Leong Chiu-Wai and Miriam Yeung Chin-Wah) on the cable. I have already watched this movie several times, however, I always almost cry at the end of the movie.

A blind woman tells her boy friend to find her in a crowd before midnight on the Christmas eve. She tells him to keep his eyes closed while looking for her. If he fails to find her there, they will be parted forever.

It is awfully difficult to someone with healthy vision to look for a person in a crowd, especially in a festive crowd, only depending on his hearing. So she gives him a hint by clicking the cover of her watch (for a blind person) slowly over and over. Of course, he hears the clicks. He carefully listens to these small sounds so that he can walk into his happiness.

The clicking sounds come from his girl friend's watch, outside of him. But at the same time, they also come from deep inside of him. His willingness to listen to small voices from his heart allows him to see his girl friend again.

The calling of happiness comes to us often in very very small voice. So we want to be willing to listen to it just like Tony heard the small clicking sounds of Miriam's watch...

For a detailed discription of the movie, please visit: http://www.lovehkfilm.com/reviews/sound_of_colors.htm.

2 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

Dear Peter,
I love visiting your blog. There is always wisdom, love and beauty in your work. Thank you!

JOEPSC さんのコメント...

Hi, Peter,

A very touching story.

The willingness is an important prerequisite to hear those small sounds.