
A Stone Into A Weird Son of Abraham

Me in a very weird mood
(Design by Martin, my son)

"You are not a problem but only a bit different. You are just a weirdo."

It's what my seventh grade teacher said.

And it turned my world upside down. In an extremely positive way. She indeed set me free by labelling me a weirdo. Isn't it very weird, huh? Maybe I was weird enough...

But she anyway denied that I was a problem. While a problem is a thing but a weirdo is at least a human. In addition, while a problem had to be corrected, a weirdo who loved Korean rock could be just left alone, free from coercive correction (which was necessary for the kids who wore non-pure white underpants).

Her rather insensible words helped me redeem my dignity. She was indeed one of my Christs who turned a stone into a son of Abraham!

Language is indeed so powerful that it would lead the world into many disasters. But it can also raise a Lazarus from spiritual death if said to empower him.

Thank you, Mrs. Sachiko Komatsu!


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