
Human Nature

Hatred and anger
These devils have lived in our hearts
Probably since the time of Creation.
They are parts of human nature, for sure.

Yet, despite fear and danger
Ignoring our original programming
We can often betray the nature.
This is also our very nature, for sure.

Such nature would drive someone
To a suicide attack.
But it is also such nature that
Makes us put down hatred
And shake hands, for sure.

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Dear Peter,
After I read your excellent peom, it came to me to share with you what I just wrote because it somehow matches.
Love, Rev. V.

My mind holds only what I think with God.

There is no love but God’s.
The world I see holds nothing that I want. (ACIM)

A friend of mine is having trouble with a relationship. It really seems to make her very miserable. I too have gone through the results of the belief that there is a love apart from God. A love which comes and goes, is available or not, bigger or smaller and hurts when it is withheld.
But since I have learned to practice to only rely on the one Love, my life has become much more peaceful. This of course fits in with: “The world holds nothing that I want.” All these wonderful promises that the world ‘out there’ holds for me! I know that all of God’s gifts are within.
God put them there and they cannot be taken from me. They are the Kingdom of Heaven and consist of love, peace, joy, happiness, harmony, health. This is true abundance. Thank you God. Amen.