
Sophie's Trick on My Wisdom Tooth?

The gum around my wisdom tooth still aches. It's not as bad as a few days ago because I could sleep without aspirin last night. But pain anyway drains a lot energy. In addition, as my swollen gum only allows me to take very soft or liquid food such as tofu or congee, it's quite difficult to regain energy... So I cannot think of a good poem today.

But wait a minute. Now I suffer from the pain around my wisdom tooth. Is it that Sophie (of course, her name means wisdom!), my anima and Inner Wisdom is playing a trick using her tooth? Well, I asked Sophie, my anima to help me lose some weight. Is she trying to restrict my food intake using her tooth? I don't know. Perhaps I can ask her in tonight's dream...

Well, it's painful but much much more benevolent than her previous trick. Many years ago, I asked her to help me cleanse my entire self. But I was indeed careless enough to use the Japanese expression "to drain the pus." It means renewal or reform but Sophie took it literally; she kicked my ass furiously in my dreams. It caused horrible abscess around my ass and I had to take three surgeries before the complete cure.

But she is my source of creativity because she is so much playful (although sometimes bit daemonically) and unpredictable... She's my muse.

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