
Dear Mr. Confucius

Hong Kong, 29 April 2006

Dear Mr. Confucius,

I was very surprised to hear your words during meditation. What I heard was: At seventy, I could follow the wishes of my heart without doing wrong (七十而從心所欲,不踰矩). It is indeed the goal of any pursuit of happiness!

I have been practising meditation to let go of judgments to myself and others. Although I have done this only for a few months, I feel I am happier and more peaceful.

As Jesus, my another teacher said, not judging others and myself is one prerequisite to enter the Heaven. But frankly speaking, I did not expect that you would talk to me during this no-judgment meditation.

I have been critical to your teachings as many progressive people say that you made the foundation of two millennia’s spiritual stagnation in China. But now I know such an idea is indeed a judgment.

Now I have started letting go of my judgments. Now I can more open-heartedly listen to the teachers I used to avoid.

So I'll study your words along with those of my other teachers. I believe by knowing your words, I can reach out to the people in this part of world much more easily...

I love the word I heard during the meditation. I know you are indeed one of the greatest teachers in human history. So now I would like to apologise for my long-time prejudice toward your teachings...

Sincerely yours,

Peter Yokoyama

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4 件のコメント:

JOEPSC さんのコメント...

Hi, Peter,

First, thank you for the link in your blog, you're too kind.

On the subject of meditation, would you advise doing it with/without supervision, for a beginner especially?

Peter Yokoyama さんのコメント...

From my experience, you can meditate on your own. But it is always convenient to have a guide book written by a master. (You don't need a supervision for prayers but it is nice to have a pastor or a priest in the case that you have any problem or question...)

And please notice that beginners are recommended to meditate only 10-20 minutes.

I recommend "The Miracle of Mindfulness" or "Being Peace" by Ven. Thich Nhat Hanh. Although he is a Buddhist monk, Christians can use his meditation technique. (He talks a lot about the Holy Spirit.)

His meditation technique is very relaxing as what you have to do is to count your breaths.

Or you can try some Ericksonian Hypnosis CDs available from many NLP schools. It is also very relaxing...

JOEPSC さんのコメント...

Hi, Peter,

Many thanks for your advice; you have been very helpful.


Peter Yokoyama さんのコメント...


No problem.

BTW, I guess meditation is especially useful after you read a holy scripture or after you pray. It will help you digest the scripture. And reading something holy would help your mind prepare for peaceful time of meditation, too.