
A Cat Is a Loner Because...

A cat is a loner but it does not mean she is selfish.

A leopard is a loner, too. Because his hunting style and relatively small size do not allow him to catch a prey that can be shared with other leopards, he has to live alone and hunt alone.

A lioness can catch a large prey that can be shared with her clan members simply because she is so big.

Think about a cat again. She is small and her prey is even smaller. A rat or a sparrow is too small to be shared with other cats even if she wishes... So she has to hunt and live alone.

She is a loner simply because cats' nature does not allow them to be group-dwellers.

And she does not help herself from being lazy as she is purely carnivorous and cannot gain nutrition from virtually any food unlike omnivorous dogs. She is certainly lazy and a loner but it is not due to her choice.

Then anyone cannot blame cat's aloofness or laziness. Well, I guess this might help everyone of us understand our fellow humans, too. Before we label someone as strange or abnormal, we should think his background... If we do this, we may be able to provide him a better choice.

1 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

Yes, it is good to think of the background - the foundation of all which is our one Source often called God.
Love, Veronika