
A Prayer for Judas Iscariot

Our Father who art in the Heaven, 
Please trun Your face and smile to Judas Iscariot!

He was a simple man who wanted to see
His superhero perform a miracle on the Cross
So great that everyone would believe in Him
And people talk about it until the end of time.

Our Father who art in the Heaven,
Please have a mercy on Judas Iscariot!

He was simply too ardent a fan of Jesus to foresee
 That his superhero would really die on the Cross.
So he thought, with all His superpower
The Cross would never hurt Jesus.

He was wrong.

But our Father who art in the Heaven,
Please remember whose plan it was
That Judas had to betray Jesus!

Isn't it Yours?
And didn't you create Judas just as
A disposable tool in that cruel plan?

Jesus suffered and died.
But so did Judas.

Our Father who art in the Heaven,
To Your feet pelase raise Judas Iscariot!

He was a simple man who wanted to see
His superhero perform a miracle on the Cross
So great that everyone would believe in Him
And people talk about it until the end of time.

I believe I would have felt the same way
If I had lived in that time.

Because I am only a simple man.

In Jesus' name, please hear my prayer!


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